Tuesday, November 9, 2010

5 minutes of people doing awesome things

Check out this great MSN video: 5 minutes of people doing awesome things

In other news; Madison (aka, Kitten) fell off my desk today! But before i tell you the details of this event, i must launch into a back story to help explain. Madison was lying on my desk because she has recently discovered the joys of playing with my computer screen. I know what your thinking, "this can't end well," but you are wrong! You see, she sees the words being typed, my fingers moving across the keypad, the mouse moving across the page, ads blinking and moving, etc. She will sit (usually on my right side) really close to the screen and watch, sometimes poking the screen. Then she'll lay down, with half her body on my key bored. But anyway, she was laying down, facing away from me and I touched the back of her head to pet her. Being the feisty little feline she is, she rolled over to bite my hand, but instead she rolled right off. When she got back up, she was stunned, and kind of paused for a moment, as if collecting herself. Ahh, the joys of animals...


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