Sunday, November 21, 2010


The Queen of Winter
A story about parenting

The Queen of Winter looks out her bedroom window on the tallest spiral of her Ice castle onto the rolling hills of snow. In the distance she can see the the skating rink where the people of the land of Winter (also called Winterites) enjoy themselves on the sleek ice. But the Queen does not share the joy of the Winterites, and she fears she never will feel joy again. You see, the Queen of Winter's first born child, Glaciea, was the victim of an untimely death.
The Queen of Winter had been married to the King Of Winter (called the Prince of Evergreens before the marriage) for quite some time before Glaciea came. Glaciea's birth was celebrated with a grand feast in the Ice Castle, quite an occasion. Glaciea was a very special child, as she was made entirely of ice. Neither the Queen or King was made of ice (both are human), so a child made of ice was very special.
But alas, the Queen was not thinking on that one fateful day at the Hot Springs. The Hot Springs are one of the few natural places in the land of Winter where a person can warm themselves. It is rarely ever closed, and always had many Winterites bathing there. Because the area is so often frequented, the royale family had decided many years ago to charge a small free of one Pence to use the springs. So, on this horrible day, the Queen had taken the Royal Carrige to the Hot Springs to collect the weeks earnings. She has brought Glaciea along because she was still too young to be away from her mother. The Queen thought it ok to leave Glaciea in the carriage while she was in the Hot Springs building, and besides, the driver was there, and the windows were open a sliver. While in the Hot Springs building, the Queen stumbled upon an old friend she hadn't seen in a long time. She got to talking with the friend, and before she knew it a whole hour had gone by. The Queen rushed to get the earnings, but unfortunately there was quite a line to the fee box. She had waited a half hour to get to the box, but the fates were not on her side that day, for the lock was sticking. she tried to open the box y herself, but was unable to. A Winterite eventually came over and helped her open the box. The Queen finally gathered the coins into her collection bag, and hurried off to the carriage.
Attempting to still appear calm, cool, and collected, the Queen speed-walked to the carriage, unhelpfully waiting in the far end of the rode. The Queen briefly wonders why the driver had parked way back there when she realizes something; there is so driver! She scans the evergreen trees on the side of the rode, but still does not see the driver. Shocked that her child lay unprotected, the Queen ran to the carriage The Queen quickly opened the side door and sat in the cabin. She subconciously noticed how abnormally warm it was in the cabin, especially for the land of Winter.
Sensing something wrong, the Queen slowly and cauciously reaches for the blanket that covers Glaciea's carrier. Except, under the blanket, there isn't an ice child. There is nothing at all. At first, the Queen is schocked, who dare take a royal child, the Princess of Winter? The Queen leans over the carrier to look out the window for Glaciea's captor. The Queen puts her hand in the carrier, to stabalize herself. The Queen freezes, then very slowly, moves back into her seat, raises her hand that was in the carrier, and examines the droplets of cold water that rest there.

Moral of the story: Don't leave your Kids in the car.


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