Thursday, November 4, 2010


This isn't a list of questions about me. This is a list of life questions, or questions involving life. Questions that i have always had, that i want answered. Can you answer these questions for me?

  • How old is Micky Mouse suppose to be? I don't mean how long has Disney been around, i mean Micky Mouse, how old is he shown to be?
  • Whats the difference between yellow-green and green-yellow?
  • Why do cats hate water?
  • Why is it that some people see things as blue, and other people see it as purple?
  • Why is it that people getting hurt is funny?
  • When will people realize that the grass isn't greener on the other side?
  • Where do all the lost things go?
  • Why does the outside smell like celery?
  • Why do we assume that grown-ups have all the answers, when in reality, they themselves are still growing-up too?
  • Who had the idea to make sunglasses, and why?
  • How does hurting another person make you feel better?
  • When did cave people start to realize that they could make sounds with their mouths?
  • Why do we trust perfect strangers?
  • Why do we use pre-wrap (a medical wrap for injuries) as a hairband?
  • What makes scary movies so appealing?
  • How do sound recorders work?
  • Why do people partake in expensive and painful things, all for the sake of beauty?
  • Why are people so determined to loose their uniqueness?
  • Who got the idea to put patterns on tissue boxes?
  • Why do adults so envy the youth, and the youth so envy the adults?
  • How come nobody realizes that the YOUTH are the most oppressed minority?
  • What makes some people talented, and others not?
  • Why do different languages develope?
  • Why can't i ever match jewlery to an outfit?
If you have answers to these questions, PLEASE write the queestion number and your answer in the comments. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. 1) he has no age
    2)no one cares about green yellow
    3)takes long to dry fun- and it leaves then with less defence(don't look as big)
    4)because their eyes are taking in different amounts of light
    5)you're glad it didn't happen to you
    6)When they get there
    8)I don't know what celeryy you'ree smoking, but it doesn;t
    9) Better Hair
    10)John Smith-Patterson, Becausse he had really ugly eyes
    11)good Candy
    12)keeps hair from getting hurt
    13)no FREAKING IDEA-hate them
    14)Takes in sound waves and transmits them back when pressed play
    15)hot guys
    16)Easier to be by a standered, easier to get jobs and be accepted if they have something in commen
    17)Rebecca C. James
    18)See question 6
    19)no one cares-the youth are too old to be youth by the time they realize
    20)Being able to do something that the majority of people cannot
    21) to survive
    22) you don't understand how to dress up, so all your jewlrey would have to be casual, and casual jewlrey isn't your style
