Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Two Minute Mysteries! part 2: the Sequel

It made you laugh, it made you cry, it made you beat up Ashlee for getting it right! Now, what you have all been waiting for, The second installment of Two Minute Mysteries!

Please, please, hold your applause! Ok, ok, you can stop now. No really, stop clapping. Soooo.....

the case of
The Suicide Room

Sir Cecil Brookfield pulled back a massive door that opened off one of the arched corridors in his six hundred year old castle in Whales .
Dr. Haledjian, a weekend guest, peered down into the darkness.
"A room with four walls- and no floor," said Sir Cecil. "Or rather, a floor 100 feet below the threshold. The room was designed to dispose in secret of troublesome vassals," explained Sir Cecil. "Later, when the beautiful wife of the first Lord Brookefield died in the plague, a grief stricken young forester hurled himself to his doom here.
"A nasty legend developed from the foresters death," added Sir Cecil slowly. "It is that a young man will jump in the reign of every fourth baron. I am the fourth since the last suicide." Sir Cecil shoved the heavy door shut. "I've ordered a mason from the village. He'll be here tomorrow to seal off the door."
Haledjian's bedroom was three doors from the "suicide room." As he was retiring for the night,he heard an eerie, dull thud. It could only mean one thing. He hastened to the corridor.
Sir Cecil was running toward the "suicide room." Together the two men swung open the massive door. Sir Cecil played a flashlight down into the dark pit.
The beam revealed the body of a young man.
"Ritchie, my wife's solicitor!" gasped Sir Cecil. "Why should he take his own life?"
"He didn't," corrected Haledjian. "He was pushed!"

How did Haledjian know?

Post your answer in the comments! Do it now!

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