Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Out-Smart your teachers

Have you ever gotten really mad at a problem your teacher gave you? Maybe it was worded incorrectly, or missing something? Or perhaps there was too much info? Have you ever wanted to put a really snotty answer, like this:
I know how you feel. Right now I'm doing my homework and am steaming from the bad questions. Take this one for example: Jada throws a rock horizontally from a bridge 32m above the water, which hits the water approximately 25m from a point directly below the bridge. Show that Jada's tossing speed was about 10 m/s. So, what are they asking? If I was a smart alec i would have just written "Jada's tossing speed was about 10m/s". But I'm not a smart alec, after a second I knew what i was suppose to do. URGH!
Here's another problem that has TMI: Karen, at her third floor window, 7.2  meters above the ground, wants to toss an egg onto the head of Micheal who is sunbathing below, 8m aways from the building. With what horizontal velocity must Karen launch the egg. (hint: think first about time.) Why is Micheal sunbathing? Why do we need to know exactly what he is doing? Why can't just be standing there. True, I do like questions when they give you more of a scenario, but come on! Why can't Micheal be making grilled cheese, or feeding fish, or drawing with chalk?! I don't need the visual picture of Micheal sunbathing! And why is Karen throwing an egg at him? It's a very mean thing to do, and probably  illegal. Why would she do that? Oh wait,i know why. Because he's sunbathing outside her house. Egg him good Karen, egg him good.
Another witty answer
This brings me to another good point; good questions. Teachers either spend too much or not enough time on there questions. Using the example with karen & Michael from above, how would we even think to answer that question? I have never thrown an egg at a sunbather. I therefore have no background knowledge on this topic. Now, what if she had used a pop culture reference? she could have asked this question : Justin Beiber was onstage singing at a concert. A member of the crowd then threw a water bottle 20m to hit him in the face. If the bottle was thrown at a speed of 8m/s, about how long would it take to hit him? See!? not only would the question (hopefully) make you laugh, but you would understand it. Plus, wouldn't the laughing send more oxygen to your brain?

ps. To all those with a blog, i have dubbed every sunday to be "Story Sunday". Your mission will be to write a short story every sunday & post it! REMEMBER!!!



1 comment:

  1. I love it, Ray, especially because I know how to do the problems...HAHA but I totally agree!
