Sunday, October 10, 2010


Don't Fall Asleep in class!
AP world history was, honest to god, the most boring subject ever invented. Joe though it must have been invented by the gods just to bore him, and him only. He would much rather be playing Farmville (hey, his strawberries needed to be harvested, ok?), but instead he was stuck in Professor Johnson's AP World history class. It didn't help that Professor Johnson was also the most boring teacher in the world either. He also couldn't escape to the solace of sleeping like he did in most of his other classes either. Professor Johnson had made it clear that if he caught you asleep in his class, you would be kicked out of class and fail. So he was basically tortured for 90 minutes on a regular basis. He usually deals with the torture as best he can, but on this particular Tuesday, it was just too much for him. He had pulled an all nighter last night, and has missed breakfast because of it. His body was running on vapors, and thick, stuffy ones at that. If only he could rest his eyes for a minute...

Tap. What was that? Thought Joe, who was fully engulfed in a dream about eating a t-bone steak. Tap. Tap. Rattaa-tap-tap. All at once, Joe realized what it was. Dreading what was to happen, he slowly raised his head from his arm cocoon on his desk. He said the first thing that came to his mind.

That was my story for Story Sunday! I hoped you liked it! It was based off a story my government teacher told us to help better explain the concept of freedom of religion. Of course i twisted stuff and added names. But really in the end, Joe is cool because you are allowed to pray in school. 
 Ps. Yesterday (oct 9) was Leif Erikson Day! Celebrate it like a sponge!
Plus, they found a Renesmee Cullen!  Her name is Mackenzie Foy I definatly think she looks the part!

1 comment:

  1. she's so prettyy! and yes AP gov is actually not like that lol
