Saturday, October 16, 2010

Halloween Decorations!

A ghost hung from the tree house

Today my mom and I stayed home to put up Halloween decorations! Halloween is my favorite holiday, and Fall is my favorite season. In honor of Halloween I am putting a new background! I love Halloween more than Christmas or my birthday. The Candy, costumes, and the smells (pumpkin & cinnamon baby, pumpkin and cinnamon) just bring joy to my heart. So for the past year or so my family never put up Halloween decorations. It always made me really sad, because I thought we were losing tradition. One year I tried to put the decorations up by myself, but It wasn't as much fun, and they didn't look as good. But this year, My mom decided we would put up the decorations! We got pretty creative with some of them, especially the witch.  
A witch who crashed into a fence
The witch was defiantly the most fun to put up, and it took a while. We used some scraps of fabric for the cape and skirt, then we got some rain boots from an old firefighter costume. OOH, getting off topic, but do you guys keep your old costumes? We do at my house. Back on topic, we got our normal broom for her broom, and a hat from an old witches costume as her hat. a pair of REALLY old gloves for her hands, and shoved sticks and stuff in them. We kept the whole thing up with thumb tacks and other tacks. Your gonna have to guess how we made a body!
We didn't get to finish decorations for the house and stuff, but I will probably do that tomorrow or later today. So tell me, how are you guys enjoying your October? I'm having a ball, loving the cold (no sarcasm intended. I really do like cold weather). Can't wait for November to roll around, another awesome month. comment how your lifes going, and what your favorite holiday & season are!


1 comment:

  1. love the witch!! I put up decorations over the weekend. I have tons of those sticky plastic thingys you put on windows and mirrors and stuff in a bunch of different halloween-y shapes. Ignoring holidays and occurrences(like no school), I like fall the best too.
