Sunday, December 19, 2010

Story Sunday # 8

The Stamp Collecting MASTER
Part 2

The hotel isn't too bad, thought Officer Sampson Ingle of the Monroe police station in Lanweilig Montana. The walls of the Old Treasure Inn were all a pale shade of  yellow, and the curtains a blue and yellow plaid. The bathroom of Officer Ingle's room was lavender, with flecks of blue and yellow making a cameo appearance in the towels, soap, and other toiletries. The furnature was a simple shade of tan, and his bed's frame was a light colored wood with a light blue comforter.
Officer Ingle sat down on the bed, laying his small suitcase by his side. The trip had been longer than expected, and now all he wanted to do was sleep. But no, there was to much to do from now to Monday. Officer Ingle quickly got his camera out of his suitcase and left his room.
 At the shore, things proved much more difficult that officer Ingle thought. The stones were slippery and the tide was in, threatening to soak him with every wave. Officer Ingle checked his watch; the time read 6:48, only an hour till eight, he thought. Just to be sure that the time was correct, he took a wrinkled piece of paper out of his pocket, and reaad the poem that was on it again.

“Mansion and beacon,
Side by side,
The stone shall weaken
With the tide.
And there you shall find her,
When the light is at eight
You the beasts will deter
A challenge great”

Reasured, Officer Ingle continues to inspect the rocks for any sign that the 1889 Okeechobee stamp could be hiding there.While inspecting a curiously shaped rock, a sudden bright light surrounded him. Blinking, Officer Ingle looked up and, surprisingly, found a young woman standing there. Unfortunately, the woman was wearing a uniform and a cold expression.
"Beach curfew was 15 minutes ago, sir." she stated calmly, but with an undertone of finality. There was no way he could convince her to let him stay longer. Even so, Officer Ingle had to try.
" I'm so sorry!" he starts, "I just really need to get a picture of the lighthouse," he holds up his camera, "for my nephew."
"It's a little too dark to be taking pictures. Why don't you try tomorrow." she suggests, reaching out a hand to help him off the rocks.
"But he really wants a picture of it while its on!" Pleads Officer Ingle, trying to mask his nerves with a look of determination.
"Sorry sir, but you can't get a picture from here. you can buy a picture in the gift shop, but right now you need to come with me."
Defeated, Officer Ingle took her hand and walked back to the hotel. On the walks, Officer Ingle had a question pop into his head.
"Whats time does the lighthouse turn on?"

To be Continued...


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