Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Awesome Tote Bag!

My friends and me have a yearly secret santa gift exchange. This year I MADE a lovely totebag. Did you hear that in the back? I MADE it. By myself. I don't know if you have noticed yet, but this is a big acomplishment for me. I'm really proud of myself for making it, and I think it turned out great! What's that? What's that i hear? You're wondering if I have pictures? Silly child, of course I have pictures!

Yeah, yeah, be Jealous.

                                                Check out that pink interior!!

 Oh geez, the guilt just set in. I feel like i'm bragging :( Ok, lets get to other people with some....

Shout Outs!

1st shout out goes to Carrie-kins, for her Awesome gift. I finally figured out how to blow-up the punching bag! It is tons-o-Fun to beat! It's hanging from my curtain right now, for safe keeping. I know that kitten is just itching to get it.  :)

2nd shout out goes to Edison's mom, for her really good chocolate cheesecake.

3rd shout out goes to My Government Teacher for his super simple test corrections! Thank you!

4th shout out goes to Michaela Badewanne, for her really cool german secret santa! Thanks a bunch!


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