Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I had an interesting discussion with Carrie-kins today. We were first saying that how after Christmas we should go shopping. Jaquei-poo then said we should all go together, and I said "Yes! we'll just be a gaggle of girls at the mall!" Then Carrie-kins and Jaquei-poo laughed at my improper word mean a group of girls. This got us thinking about all the different words we use to describe a group of things, like a pride of lions or a swarm of wasps . Odd huh? Then think, what if we switched the two, a swarm of lions and a pride of wasps. I don't know about you, but when I hear " swarm of lions " I get a mental picture of a thick swarm of little lions with wings, roaring away. When I hear "pride of wasps" I visualize scenes from The Lion King,  but instead of lions all the characters have been replaced with cartoonish wasps! Very odd, no?
Do you share my intrest in group names? Leave me a comment with some group names you know!


UPDATE: I have discovered that these "groups" are called collective nouns. Here is an MSN video that had the same idea I did on crazy types of collective nouns