Thursday, December 16, 2010

Crazy Awesome Gingerbread Houses! & an UPDATE on my life

Cookie Construction: 10 Pictures of Amazing Gingerbread Houses

I think Baba Yaga's is the best! Comment which YOU think is the best!

UPDATE on my life:

My chorus concert was yesterday night, and I'm so happy it is over with. It was NOT fun and I did NOT like it. If your considering doing chorus next year, DON'T. Well, I can't totally rule it out because you may like the things I didn't. But just letting you know, it was more like a Glee club than straight forward chorus.
Any who, Madison got fixed like, two weeks ago, and got her stitches out this past Monday. Its really creepy to see her with her belly shaved, I feel like I've ruined her life. When I'm petting her if I get too close to her cut she'll rear up and paw my hand. It's like she knows what happened and she is upset about it. Makes me sad :(

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