Monday, August 23, 2010

Product Review!! and Quiz

Nuttella- Five Stars
One word. Delicious. It tastes chocolaty, with a bit of nutty taste. It has the consistency of hot fudge, but sticky like peanut butter. So good, i don't see how it gets away with being served at breakfast. Then again, how does coffee "cake" and doughnuts pass as breakfast food? I even ate it with ice-cream. YUM.

Aveeno Anti Itch Concentrated Lotion- Two Stars
Its better than Calamine lotion, as its not bright pink and doesn't dry out. It doesn't fight itch any better than cortisone cream. Eh, its ok.

Try out my quiz on Dr. Seuss! Are you Seuss enough to WIN? Or will you miserably FAIL? Only taking this quiz can tell you.

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