Tuesday, January 18, 2011

UPDATE on my life: Chill'in

Ahh, mid-January. The time of Finals/midterms. The time where holiday cash burns holes in children's pockets. A time where getting an unscheduled day off of school is a possibility. A time where the sounds of metal scraping concrete and fierce trumpets from noses are heard everywhere. Sound like fun?

I've been trying to do some homework today, but have pleasantly failed, due to addictive daytime TV ( Law and Order SVU anyone?). I should have gotten this done yesterday, but didn't. But hey it isn't due for a couple days now, so why not procrastinate. And it's not like I haven't started it yet, right?

I realize that I have been skimping on my pictures, so let me just update that for ya...

This is Maddy's Bumblebee costume I got her for Christmas.

Found this on the Internet, thought you'd like it. Poor Alice...
Ok, so this one on the left deserves a little more explanation than a caption. I originally just wanted the girl to be barefoot on the swing, but as it turns out, drawing feet are hard. So I was eventually like "screw it", and drew frog legs. I think the frog legs turned out pretty nice, and instead of titling the picture something simple like "girl on a swing", I titled it "SammakonreisiƤ" which is Finnish for "frog legs". Well, at least Google translate thinks it's Finnish for "Frog Legs".
Anyhow, I didn't paint this one, though I did plan too. I decided to color it with colored pencils because I got new fancy ones for Christmas. Look at the different shades of green going on! It's amazing!

So, yeah. There really isn't much going on for me today, So how about some shoutouts?

1st shout out goes to Rebecca D, her mom Mrs. D, her lil' sister Delany, and her cool Grandma Ms.Cathy, for taking me to the mall and introducing me to the super awesome Nordstrom's Cafe. Thanks a ton you guys!

2nd shout out goes to my Mom and Dad, for taking C and me out on Saturday. I had lots of fun, thanks!

3rd shout out goes to the snow, for keeping me out of school! You're the best!


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