Sunday, January 2, 2011

Story Sunday # 9!!

One hundred and one shiny beads
lay scattered on the floor,
they haven't moved
just like the girl
since the day before.

The sun creates a shimmering firework
when shone through the beads,
dancing on her face,
on her stomach
shifting as she bleeds.

Footsteps coming up the stairs,
groaning with their weight,
badges gleaming,
as their eyes look
on the girl's cruel fate.

A camera captures the moment forever
evidence of his crime,
of the body,
of the wound
a devious mastermind.

Hours after the police leave the scene
the house a quiet shell,
a figure rises,
above the house
to where she'll forever dwell.

But within her a blue fire is raging
the unsettled spirt's revenge,
must come,
swiftly come
or else she will avenge.


ps: Sorry for the crap poem. I'm tierd. :(

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