Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hey you...

Its been like a week. Sorry. I drew this picture today on, it got like a slightly better version of microsoft paint program. Yeah...
Just so you know, i didn't do the background, it was a preset. yeah, I don't really have much to say... sooo, see ya.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

UPDATE on my life: Chill'in

Ahh, mid-January. The time of Finals/midterms. The time where holiday cash burns holes in children's pockets. A time where getting an unscheduled day off of school is a possibility. A time where the sounds of metal scraping concrete and fierce trumpets from noses are heard everywhere. Sound like fun?

I've been trying to do some homework today, but have pleasantly failed, due to addictive daytime TV ( Law and Order SVU anyone?). I should have gotten this done yesterday, but didn't. But hey it isn't due for a couple days now, so why not procrastinate. And it's not like I haven't started it yet, right?

I realize that I have been skimping on my pictures, so let me just update that for ya...

This is Maddy's Bumblebee costume I got her for Christmas.

Found this on the Internet, thought you'd like it. Poor Alice...
Ok, so this one on the left deserves a little more explanation than a caption. I originally just wanted the girl to be barefoot on the swing, but as it turns out, drawing feet are hard. So I was eventually like "screw it", and drew frog legs. I think the frog legs turned out pretty nice, and instead of titling the picture something simple like "girl on a swing", I titled it "SammakonreisiƤ" which is Finnish for "frog legs". Well, at least Google translate thinks it's Finnish for "Frog Legs".
Anyhow, I didn't paint this one, though I did plan too. I decided to color it with colored pencils because I got new fancy ones for Christmas. Look at the different shades of green going on! It's amazing!

So, yeah. There really isn't much going on for me today, So how about some shoutouts?

1st shout out goes to Rebecca D, her mom Mrs. D, her lil' sister Delany, and her cool Grandma Ms.Cathy, for taking me to the mall and introducing me to the super awesome Nordstrom's Cafe. Thanks a ton you guys!

2nd shout out goes to my Mom and Dad, for taking C and me out on Saturday. I had lots of fun, thanks!

3rd shout out goes to the snow, for keeping me out of school! You're the best!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Story Sunday #11

There once was a girl who had tried to write a story all day. This girl failed at that and ended up still not having a story at 11pm. This girl was very tierd, and was sick of watching the Golden Globes.  The girl gave up and started typeing what she was thinking, just so she could get this over with. That girl then won a million dollars on the lottery and moved to her dream house in Washington, where she could enjoy the rain all day and watch daytime tv. THE END


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Story Sunday #10!!

This week will be a pick-your-own adventure, and a bad one at that. So all you have to do is read the first section, then pick one of the sentences after the section. Within the sentence it will tell you what section you should go to next. The sections are marked with a green number 1-10. Have Fun!

1) Victor was quietly doing his Chemistry homework in his bedroom, when he heard a knock at his door. Victor liked to keep his door shut because if it wasn't the family cat, Gimli, would come into his room and pounce on things he shouldn't. Just yesterday for example, Victor neglected to completely shut his door when he came home from school, and Gimli came in and began clawing his sweater which he had left on the floor. Although the sweater was saved in time, it was a close call.
     Victor pushed his rolling chair away from his desk and got up to answer the knock at his door, when he heard a distinct crunch sound coming from where he had just stepped.

A) stepped on his brother's glasses, go to 3
b) stepped on a potato chip that was left on the floor, go to 4
c)stepped on a CD, go to 7

2) Victor only knows one thing to do; blame it on Gimli. He opens his bedroom door to see what the knock was, but all he finds is Gimli, rolling around with a mouse toy.  Victor goes back and  cleans up the crime scene. Within minutes, Nathan opens the front door. Nathan plays basketball at the rec center on Wednesdays, so he gets home later than Victor. Victor tries to remain calm while he listens to Nathan walk up the stairs. He tries to sound calm when he answers Nathan's yelled greeting from the kitchen. He tried to not to giggle or squeak when Nathan entered their shared bedroom. He tried not to ask "whatcha looking for?" when he saw Nathan searching the drawers and floor. Then finally, he tried to be unsuspicious when Nathan finally asked "Victor, do you know where my glasses are?"
"Your glasses? Oh! Gimli was messing with them earlier. I only found out after it was too late." Said Victor, his voice only squeaking once.
"UGH! That darn cat!" Yelled Nathan. He stormed off to find Gimli, and Victor relaxed in his chair. THE END!

3) Victor looked down in horror to see the small pieces of glass and bent metal beneath his shoe. His brother's glass' were beyond repair. After the initial shock went away, victor began panicking. Nathan would not be happy about this, in fact it would be more like an inferno. Victor knew he couldn't fix the glass's and buying new ones would be hopeless.

a) blame it on Gimli, go to 2
b) say they were already broken, go to 5
c)Throw them away and pretend it never happened, go to 4

4) Victor sighed and picked the pieces up. He opens his bedroom door to find Gimli there, rolling around with a mouse toy. victor slides Gimli away from his room with his foot, then tosses the pieces  into the kitchen garbage bin. As he was walking down the hallway, Victor saw that his door was wide open. He had forgot to shut the door on his way out! He ran down the rest of the hallway and into his room, but it was too late, Gimli was already pouncing on his homework, making it slide across the floor. Small holes and tears crippled the pages, and made reading them impossible, or a least a real pain.

a) give up on homework and go watch TV, go to 8
b) attempt to get homework online, go to 9

5) Victor stared at the pieces in awe. How could he have missed seeing them? He couldn't tell Nathan about breaking the glasses, he would go berserk! Victor carefully picked up the pieces and went to answer the door. At the door was Gimli, just rolling around with a mouse toy. Victor shut the door behind him, and walked to the kitchen. He carefully arranged the glasses pieces on the floor to make it look as if they had been there originally. Feeling mildly thirsty, Victor filled up a cup with orange juice and walked back to his room. Victor sat down on his rolling chair, took a sip of orange juice, and then placed the cup on the drink coaster that sat on his desk. But Victor accidentally missed putting his cup directly on the coaster, and instead put it half on and half off. this made the cup unbalanced, and spill all over Victor's desk, and homework.

a) Give up on homework and go watch TV, go to 8
b) flip out, go to 6

6) Victor couldn't believe he what he just did. all of his homework was completely ruin. He quickly tried to clean up the horrible mess he had just made, but it took a long time. All too soon, his brother Nathan came home from basketball with his parents, and worse yet, they were happy. Victor's mood was further lowered by the fact that the rest of his family was happy. Then Victor had a dark thought. Will they be so happy when they find Nathan's glasses? He smiled darkly to himself, waiting for their conversations to stop. Victor finished cleaning the mess, and walked out to the kitchen to throw away the paper towels. As he was walking into the kitchen though, he heard a crunch underneath his feet that made all movement and noise stop. Victor looked down and piked up his foot. Underneath his shoe, were the glasses he had placed their earlier. THE END!

7) Victor looked down at his shoe to see the broken pieces of a Hamilton CD. Victor's shoulders fell, as he realised this was his dad's signed copy. He had no idea why his dad's CD would be in the floor without a case in his room, but it was. Victor wasn't sure what to do. He knew his dad wasn't particularly fond of this CD, but he didnt know what to do.

a) put it back in the case, go to 10
c) throw it out, go to 4

8) Victor was done, just done. He cleaned up the mess and threw his homework in the trash. He went downstair and turned on the TV. Throwing a blanket over himself (what? it was cold in the basement!), he changed the chanel from the news to MTV. He sat there for then next hour until his parents came home with Nathan, his brother. THE END!

9) Victor sighed. It's a wonder why they don't get rid of that cat, he is such a nusince. Salvaging what he could from the rubble, Victor cleaned up his room of paper bits and went to the den to fire up the computer. His school has a really neat website where teachers can post the worksheets so students can print them. Victor finds the work that he needs and prints them out. He goes back up to his room, firmly shuts the door, and begins his homework again. THE END!

10) A sly thought came to Victor's head. What if he just put the CD remains back in the case? Out of sight out of mind right? Victor went to the den where the CD stands were. He arranged the pieces so that it fit the shap of the CD case, then slide the case back into the stand, even taking the effort to switch the CD with one on the bottom of the stand. Nobody would ever notice it there! Basking in his brilliance, Victor walked back up the stairs and continued his homework. THE END!

Hope you enjoyed my story! Sorry if parts don't make sense, this was actually pretty hard to write. my next post will have pictures, so stay tuned!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Story Sunday # 9!!

One hundred and one shiny beads
lay scattered on the floor,
they haven't moved
just like the girl
since the day before.

The sun creates a shimmering firework
when shone through the beads,
dancing on her face,
on her stomach
shifting as she bleeds.

Footsteps coming up the stairs,
groaning with their weight,
badges gleaming,
as their eyes look
on the girl's cruel fate.

A camera captures the moment forever
evidence of his crime,
of the body,
of the wound
a devious mastermind.

Hours after the police leave the scene
the house a quiet shell,
a figure rises,
above the house
to where she'll forever dwell.

But within her a blue fire is raging
the unsettled spirt's revenge,
must come,
swiftly come
or else she will avenge.


ps: Sorry for the crap poem. I'm tierd. :(

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I feel the need to say this because I am SO HAPPY it happened. My Gp lit paper about Forrest Gump was


Thank you whom ever peermarked it, so now i don't have any work to do! And i'm sorry whose ever I peermarked because I know I can be heartless whem grading!