Saturday, April 7, 2012



Double ew.
 Sunburn is both gross ans painful. It can range from a light pink to a dark red, from no pain to hospitalized. Then it could turn into a nice brown tan, or it could peel to revel raw skin and leave patches of pink on an otherwise tan body. God forbid you sweat with a sun burn, because then it bubbles and really peels when you pop them. And you have to pop the nasty sweat bubbles, or else it will itch.

What if it's really bad sunburn? Then your stuck with sun poisoning.

So how do we heal the sun burn? You can't use antibiotic cream oh no, you have to use a gel-like plant extract. Thick, sticky, generally green, and all over for days. sounds like fun.

And the sad part is, I say all of this from experiance. Recent experiance.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Lurve Kitchen Gadgets!

Take a look-see and you will be amazed. Granted, some of these are widely known, like the egg slicer, or the pot colander, but some are really cool! Like porcupine cheese grater? Isn't that neat!? Maybe it's just me...


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rise Against

Ugh, APUSH, you will be the death of me.

Anywho, heard about this band, Rise Againt today and checked it out. I thought it would be some horrible electronic Indie band but it wasn't. I listened to their song Make It Stop (September's Children) and it was pretty good! I've put the video below so you can all see it. It is supposed to give hope to the LGBT community that "it gets better".

So whaddya think? Not too shabby huh? Lemme know in the comments what your views are.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Folger's Commercial

Is this not the SWEETEST folger's commercial ever?!

Though I kinda get the feeling that a little something is brewing between the "brother" and "sister", and it's not the coffee, hmm? They are a little too nice to each other, no? But holy cow, is that girl not the cutest ever? "You're my present." These writers are getting better I tell you. And that guy, WOW. A humanitarian and he still doesn't forget to get his sister a gift. How sweet?


Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Good Stuff

Some of the good things in life:

  • Cold Pizza
  • Cranberry Ginger Ale
  • Free music on Itunes
  • Vickies Secret "Love Spell" Perfume
  • Crackle nail polish
  • Sparkly things
  • Getting mail
  • No Homework!
  • Disney Movies
  • The Super Pampering sale at Bath & Body Works!
  • White-out
  • Hot chocolate
  • New Ipod earbuds
  • Homemade Cookie Monster cupcakes!---->
  • Corny Jokes
  • Bad pick-up lines
  • fuzzy socks
  • old photographs
  • Homemade coffee mugs
  • Caramel Corn
  • Mix CD's from your buds
  • surprise breakfast for dinner
  • Your favorite holiday (OMG Halloween!)
  • New shoes
  • Sticky Notes
  • Couture Band-Aids  ---->
  • The Internet

Any stuff that I forgot? Let me know in the comments below!

ps. Happy Leif Ericson day!