Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Good Stuff

Some of the good things in life:

  • Cold Pizza
  • Cranberry Ginger Ale
  • Free music on Itunes
  • Vickies Secret "Love Spell" Perfume
  • Crackle nail polish
  • Sparkly things
  • Getting mail
  • No Homework!
  • Disney Movies
  • The Super Pampering sale at Bath & Body Works!
  • White-out
  • Hot chocolate
  • New Ipod earbuds
  • Homemade Cookie Monster cupcakes!---->
  • Corny Jokes
  • Bad pick-up lines
  • fuzzy socks
  • old photographs
  • Homemade coffee mugs
  • Caramel Corn
  • Mix CD's from your buds
  • surprise breakfast for dinner
  • Your favorite holiday (OMG Halloween!)
  • New shoes
  • Sticky Notes
  • Couture Band-Aids  ---->
  • The Internet

Any stuff that I forgot? Let me know in the comments below!

ps. Happy Leif Ericson day!

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