Saturday, April 7, 2012



Double ew.
 Sunburn is both gross ans painful. It can range from a light pink to a dark red, from no pain to hospitalized. Then it could turn into a nice brown tan, or it could peel to revel raw skin and leave patches of pink on an otherwise tan body. God forbid you sweat with a sun burn, because then it bubbles and really peels when you pop them. And you have to pop the nasty sweat bubbles, or else it will itch.

What if it's really bad sunburn? Then your stuck with sun poisoning.

So how do we heal the sun burn? You can't use antibiotic cream oh no, you have to use a gel-like plant extract. Thick, sticky, generally green, and all over for days. sounds like fun.

And the sad part is, I say all of this from experiance. Recent experiance.


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