Friday, May 6, 2011


Have any of your teachers assigned you to make a Prezi yet? Cuz I have. I have been assigned to do a prezi FOUR TIMES. I just learned what a prezi was about... three weeks ago. since then, each teacher has been like "Have you ever heard of a Prezi?" I was shocked at first, because usually i know about new technology before the teachers do, but I had never heard of this. I also thought it was a one time deal at first. Just one teacher know about this program, i'll never do one again. But nooooo.
Next my health teacher was like "Hey, new project guys! We're gonna do Prezi's!" huh? Another Prezi? Then my Chem teacher was like "For this project you can do a PowerPoint, a video, a Prezi, etc." What? She knows about Prezi too? Its like we found a new type of wheel that everyone must try. It's like silly bands, or Ugg shoes; Everyone know about it!
I kind of hope Prezi's are a fad. I'm not sure that i'm ready for a total overthrow of the PowerPoint. I was just beginning to master the custom animation, and now i have to learn a new system. Although i must admit, Prezi's are much, much easier to use than PowerPoint, the user-friendly interface comes with limited presentation options.

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