Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Product Review

So, I haven't posted  in a while....  and I don't know what to really post about, so I might as well post what i have been using recently.

  • Special K Vanilla Almond   Five Stars
Very good! Pretty healthy for you, and it tastes good with milk, yoghurt, or just dry. Highly reccomended!
  • Special K Chocolatey Delight   Five Stars
Also a very good breakfast cereal. This version has larger flakes that Vanilla Almond which makes it better for snacking. There is legit chocolate flakes in the cereal, and the flakes are mocha flavored. Very yummy!

  • Sabra Hummus (all flavors) Five Stars
mmmmm, Hummus. If you don't know what Hummus is, it is a thick chip/cracker/ pretzel dip made out of mashed chick peas, olive-oil, and garlic sometimes with other ingrediants. It has a grainy texture, and is really impossible for me to explain what it tastes like because it is so unique. Try some, you will probably lke it!


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