Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Robert Bunsen!

So I go on the internet and like any other person in the world i go to Google search engine. But today was special, because Google had a special font for it's name.

I look and I think "neat, but what for?" I hover my mouse over the picture and see the words "Happy 200th Birthday Robert Bunsen!"

WHAT?! Normally this wouldn't be so awesome. But the reason that it's awesome (at least to me) is that we learned about Robert Bunsen and the Bunsen Burner today in chem! To me, coincidences are just about the coolest thing. Like, this just made my day right there. Oh Google, your the best.

Hmm, this was a short post, how about some (wait for it...) SHOUT OUTS!

1st shout out goes to my dad for bringing me back a gift when you went on your trip!

2nd shoout out goes to my Chemistry teacher for letting me take me test this afternoon and for coincidentally teaching about bunsen burners on Robert Bunsen's 200th birthday!

3rd shout out goes to Edison and Sarah because they "do it in the dark" :)


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