Sunday, February 13, 2011

Accident Prone

Ok, so I think I might be a little accident prone. Or maybe its just bad luck.

I was never this... clumsy... in the past. Other than the normal awkward phases, I believe that I was not clumsy. Not in any respects graceful, but not clumsy.

This may come as a shock, but I think I broke something...or somethings. And these are important things too. Things I don't think I could live without.

I think i broke the Blender, the Wii, and my CD drive on my computer. The blender makes a burning smell when you leave it on for a few minutes. An not when your blending hot things either. I was making a raspberry-pineapple smoothie when this occured. Do you think the frozen raspberries and ice were too much for the blender to handle? I hope it was just me and that the blender isn't really broken. Because I really want a smoothie.

The Wii is defintly broken. The little light on the power button is off. Not red, but not making any light at all. Its kind of freaky. I tried unplugging then replugging in all the cables for the Wii on the console and then on the T.V. and outlet and nothing changed. When I unplugged the power cord from the Wii, the light came on, but when I tried to push the power button (to turn it on) the game slot would flash blue light, then the whole thing would shut down again back to where it started. I looked up the problem on the internet and it says i need to get a new power cord. Luckly, they aren't that expensive (especially if you buy online). I just hope ot works...

The third thing is the worst, because I have no idea how to fix it. My computer itself is working fine (although your definition of fine can vary). Its just when i try to put a CD or game into the drive, that things get nutty. Usually, the computer wither won't recognize that there is a CD, or it won't recognize it and freeze, or it will do all of that then crash. Sometimes it will recognize the CD, but when I try to sync the CD  to Itunes, it won't copy any music. So what do i do? Can I replace the CD drive (which are $60-$100)? Do I have to clean something? Please Google, tell me what to do!


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