Monday, February 21, 2011

The Evil Red-Head

In very many books, movies, T.V. shows, video games, and more an evil redhead is present. Darn Gingers. The evil ginger sterrotype has actually been around for a long time. Way back when, red hair was suposedly the sign of a witch, which is kinda funny thinkinh about all the ginger witchs/wizards we have (Ron Weasly, Will from W.I.T.C.H., Gillian Owens from the movie Practical Magic, Willow from Buffy, etc). Satan was also said to have favored red hair. In eastern Europe, babies born with red hair were often killed because of their hair color.
Here is a list of some I have compiled to express my point.

  • Mertle, Lilo and Stitch
  • Ganondorf, Legend of Zelda
  • Poisen Ivy, Batman Comics
  • Yosemite Sam, Looney Tunes
  • Anastasia (evil stepsisiter), Cinderella
  • Syndrome, The Incredibles
  • The Red Queen, the NEW Alice in Wonderland
  • Victoria, Twilight
  • (maybe) Pandora, Greek mythology
  • Bowser, Super Mariop Bros
  • Vicky, The Fairly Odd Parents
  • Candace, from Phineas And Ferb
  • Durza, Eragon
Of course not all redheads are evil. I have a couple awesome ginger friends, and they are definatly not evil (well, meybe a little...). In fact, there are some pretty heroic redheads like Sally in the Nightmare Before Christmas, Thor, The Mad Hatter in the NEW Alice in Wonderland, Ariel, Hercules (Disney version), Pippi Longstockoing, John wayne, and even the great Chuck Norris.
Does anyone have anymore? Feel free to leave a comment with some more evil red heads.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Check out this great MSN video: Dog Makes Friends With Duck

I LOVE DUCKS! I WANT A PET DUCK SOOO BAD! Then my kitten could make friends with it and it would be even cuter than this. Then I could make millions by post videos of them being cute on youtube. MILLIONS!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Accident Prone

Ok, so I think I might be a little accident prone. Or maybe its just bad luck.

I was never this... clumsy... in the past. Other than the normal awkward phases, I believe that I was not clumsy. Not in any respects graceful, but not clumsy.

This may come as a shock, but I think I broke something...or somethings. And these are important things too. Things I don't think I could live without.

I think i broke the Blender, the Wii, and my CD drive on my computer. The blender makes a burning smell when you leave it on for a few minutes. An not when your blending hot things either. I was making a raspberry-pineapple smoothie when this occured. Do you think the frozen raspberries and ice were too much for the blender to handle? I hope it was just me and that the blender isn't really broken. Because I really want a smoothie.

The Wii is defintly broken. The little light on the power button is off. Not red, but not making any light at all. Its kind of freaky. I tried unplugging then replugging in all the cables for the Wii on the console and then on the T.V. and outlet and nothing changed. When I unplugged the power cord from the Wii, the light came on, but when I tried to push the power button (to turn it on) the game slot would flash blue light, then the whole thing would shut down again back to where it started. I looked up the problem on the internet and it says i need to get a new power cord. Luckly, they aren't that expensive (especially if you buy online). I just hope ot works...

The third thing is the worst, because I have no idea how to fix it. My computer itself is working fine (although your definition of fine can vary). Its just when i try to put a CD or game into the drive, that things get nutty. Usually, the computer wither won't recognize that there is a CD, or it won't recognize it and freeze, or it will do all of that then crash. Sometimes it will recognize the CD, but when I try to sync the CD  to Itunes, it won't copy any music. So what do i do? Can I replace the CD drive (which are $60-$100)? Do I have to clean something? Please Google, tell me what to do!
